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A Connection that Leaps Generations.

Welcome to the High Park Stewart's Blog.

Genetic Evidence Now Ties the Kintyre Peninsula Stewarts to Robert III, King of Scotland.

This website,, for High Park Stewart descendants to reconnect through genetic markers that close the gaps in our ancestry, and share their stories about who we are.

We knew where in Scotland we came from, in the early 1700s - but before that era, a paper trail could not be found. Aunties whispered "you know we're related..." while my father dismissed the idea by calculating the odds across four centuries that could connect us to just about every historical figure in 13th century Scotland.

ZZ52 was the gene that leapt across time, donated for genetic testing by 21st century Stewart men: their genes trace us back to Robert the III, King of Scotland (1337-1405), grandson of Robert the Bruce. We'll post about that soon, and other topics that explain how we know what we now know.

We Have Cousins to Meet, and Stories to Hear, and Stories to Tell!

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